Monday, November 12, 2007

I MOVED!!!!!!!


CLICK ME!!!!!!

Monday, November 5, 2007

WHY must they RUIN our childhood memories!!

Today I was starving at lunch and bought a miriad of items at Costco to stock in my desk. Well........I bought rolls, Fruit Snacks and Cheese and crackers.

I have to say it- WHAT IN THE HELL IS THE "Cheese" SUPPOSED TO BE??? When I was little I used to love them. What have they done!!

[15:55] jenfullmer88: You know
[15:56] jenfullmer88: When I was little- Cheese and Crackers was ACTUAL cheese
[15:56] jenfullmer88: it had to be kept in the fridge
[15:56] jenfullmer88: and it was CLUB crackers
[15:56] jenfullmer88: and you got FIVE crackers
[15:56] jenfullmer88: Cheap bastards
[15:56] Jeremy: yeah It's true
[15:56] Jeremy: now it's cancer spread

Makes me think of all the other things the corporations have ruined. Mainly- CEREAL! Cereal tastes nothing now like it used to! I know it as soon as I see a box that says "NEW AND IMPROVED!" Improved my ass!!!!!! They ruined Honeycombs so much I wrote an angry letter!! Trix......RUINED THEM! They taste nothing like they used to. Same with Cookie Crisp and Capn Crunch.

My wisdom for the food industry- IF SOMETHING WORKS LEAVE IT ALONE! Stop messing with our products or I will hunt you down and send you an angry letter too!!

That said..............

[15:58] jenfullmer88: although I have to say
[15:58] jenfullmer88: that runny goo hit the spot
[15:58] Jeremy: It does doesn't it

Monday, October 29, 2007


OK- so that's it! I am HOOKED! I have always wanted to watch Weeds but didn't start at the beginning. So I felt like I was cheating if I was to start MID ways through season 3. Made no sense to me. This weekend I decided who cares! I was flat in bed all weekend so I might as well watch something good right.

I AM TOTALLY HOOKED! Its fantastic!! I love it, its hilarious. I now have to watch Seasons 1 and 2 so I can say I have seen them all! I loved it. It was BRILLIANT.

Another show I got hooked on was Dexter. I loved it. Brett didn't like it so much, maybe its because of my comments through it.....who knows. Maybe my comments disturbed him. I loved it. And I am saving it for surgery time!

Surgery time is approaching! YIKES! I made the mistake of googling what they are going to do to me. Now I am petrified. NO ONE would should know what is going to happen to you in that much detail before it happens.

I am making a list of entertaining things for while I am in bed. The painkillers they give me better work that's all I can say!!!!



Friday, October 26, 2007

Reunited and it feeeeeeeeeels sooooo good!

SO this week I got in touch with people I haven't spoken to in over a decade!!!!! It was great.

I think I should be a detective as I was able to track all these people down in just a day!!

I talked to so many people from the past it was great. All of them remembered me really well and were happy to hear from me.

I talked to one of my old friends Tiffany. She and I grew up together and used to have the best friendship. I felt bad we lost touch. She has kids and everything now! She and I talked about the olden days. The days when we both had bad perms and worshipped Boy George! Each of us SWORE and we would marry him. Ummmmmmm yahhhhhh if only we knew then what we know now.

We also recounted our trip to California when we were 10! It was SO much fun. We got to go see Solid Gold live. I thought for sure the stage would be GOLD and it would be the most amazing thing EVER!!!!!! WRONG! It was a huge letdown. But a fun memory now!

I also rode my first roller coaster on that trip. I was terrified and unfortunately we got in the wrong line and my first roller coaster trip was Colossus at Magic Mountain.......BACKWARDS! I screamed like no one has ever screamed. I thought I would die!

Fun Times Fun Times.

So in honor of that trip please enjoy this Solid Gold clip for back when!!!!!!

Ahhhhhh my heart still pangs a little when I see Boy George. I had a WALL SIZED poster of him I used to kiss goodnight and fantasize about at night. I know I know.........I need help :)

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

True Movie Magic Bliss!!!!


This movie is a MUST SEE movie. I got to see a sneak peek of it on Saturday and WOW I was in movie heaven for 1 hour and 35 minutes. I honestly NEVER wanted it to end. I wanted to stay and see more of Dans life.

My favorite Character of course being Steve
Carell . How can you NOT love this man. In this movie he was the best I have EVER seen him. He was funny, yet touching. He played being a dad, a brother and a son with GLORIOUS talent. You will laugh, and want to cry with him at the same time. LOVED him more than I can tell you.

Binoche- I cant even tell you how magical she is!!!! She absolutely GLOWS and SPARKLES! I fell in love with her in Chocolat and now I love her even more. She is just "Sparkly" that's all I can say to describe her!

Of course you had Dianne
Wiest and John Mahoney as the parents! FANTASTIC!!!!!

Surprisingly.........I HATE HATE HATE Dane Cook........however I LOVED him in this! I swore after Good Luck Chuck if I ever had to see his butt again I would barf. Luckily you are spared his butt in this! He is actually REALLY good in it, REALLY. I know I know.......I was shocked too!!!!

Also, one of my FAVORITE people Emily Blunt has a brief cameo in this movie that is FANTASTIC!!!!!!

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh I cant even tell you how amazing it was to sit and be part of this movie! You will leave feeling SOOOOOOOO good that it will take a long time to come down from your movie high!!!


Friday, October 19, 2007

Fake Nice?


So today I realized (thanks to Jeremy) that I am SUPER GOOD at being FAKE NICE!!!!! :)

Yes!!!! I fooled him into thinking I liked someone that I didn't...............YES my fake nice was THAT good!

I can be fake nice- fake mean- fake happy -fake sad. So, what does this say? Do you think I am fake??? Hmmmmmmmm? Now I wonder.

When I get an angry customer...........I diffuse it with my FAKE NICE VOICE. Works like a charm every time!!! Especially when the callers are male. Its sugary sweet and full of of Sugar and Spice and Everything nice :) By the end of the call the caller generally thinks I am the nicest person they have spoke to! YES!!!!!!!!! I fooled them! Little do they know what a real and true bitch I am!!!!!!!!! hahahahahaha!

People- I can be FAKE NICE to people and make them THINK that I think they are the BEST! Then they can turn around and I will think...........gosh I hate them- HOW can I hurt them? Hmmmmmmm.

So in conclusion..........those that I GENUINELY like will know it. I wont use my fake nice voice with you- or be Sugary Sweet. You lucky few will see Jen in her truest light, ornery!

As Jeremy says.........."You are kinda crabby like that." So you Jeremy, can know I GENUINELY like you because you KNOW I am a bitch :) Do you feel special now? I SURE DO! :)

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Disable Day DIPS and random thoughts!

Hello!!!!! So yesterday was our big disable day of the month. What a relief to be done. So, for fun we had "Disable Day Dips!" It was really good I thought. Corinne brought a YUMMY Taco dip that I couldn't stop eating! YUMMO! All in all I think it made for a funner day.

Someone in Tech Support said to me yesterday how much they wished they worked in Customer Service. They said its like "Disneyland!" I have to agree, we are the fun side of work and the Disneyland of the company!!!!!! Its a happy place!

So- Brad had a girlfriend for a couple weeks. He took her to homecoming. I was NOT pleased with the situation since I am NOT ready for him to have a girlfriend or ever leave home......EVER. Plus, Homecoming his senior year conjures up all kinds of BAD BAD BAD BAD memories for me. It was like a painful milestone, Brad- Homecoming- Senior year. Reminded me too much of someone I hate.
Anyways........They broke up. I told him I was sorry and that he will meet someone more mature in college. Secretly.........I was overjoyed! Now, when Saw 4 and 30 days of Night come out I still have my movie buddy!!!!!! I KNOW I KNOW, you don't need to tell me..............That's SELFISH of me. I cant help it though......I think that's how it goes when your a parent. I want him to be mine forever. I know I will have to share him someday.........but not yet. Not now.

Ok- probably a topic of TMI- so guys you may want to stop reading now if you are easily freaked out.

I think I am going to have to have a Hysterectomy. I go to the Dr again tomorrow to discuss all my tests, but I really feel it coming.
One part of me will be relieved. The other part thinks I should fight it. Maybe this is why I had all my kids so young, maybe if I had waited I never would have had them. Maybe it will be a good thing to get it done now.
The other part of me says YIKES!!!!! DON'T DO IT! I am only 34 and not ready for Menopause yet. Plus, what if the hormones I have to take turn me into the bearded lady. Or what if I get Osteoporosis at 40! Ughhhhhhhhhhh- getting old sucks ass!!!!!!!!!
I guess I should stop thinking about IF and wait till I see the Dr tomorrow. Maybe its just ANOTHER test they want to run on me. I am like a pin cushion already. Maybe they want to inject radioactive Dyes into me for fun. OR maybe they want me to turn on my head and give me an UPSIDE DOWN Ultrasound. OR maybe they want me to rub my head and pat my belly while jabbing needles into me while I balance a bucket of water on my head! Who knows. STRESS STRESS STRESS STRESS STRESS STRESS STRESS STRESS

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Life is so sad :(

Jeremy's Grandma died last night. It's so sad. It really brought back all the memories of my grandma and when she died in February. I miss her terribly. Her death was the hardest thing I have ever been through. Even harder than my dad's. Probably because she was such an important person in my life. I miss her so much.

Jeremy wrote the sweetest tribute to his grandmother on his blog.

Click Here

It makes me sad for my kids. They really got a raw deal in the grandparent department. They didn't and wont have that connection with someone. They can't ever look back like I can on my grandma. Brett's parents don't understand them, and aren't very interested in them at all. Their other grand kids are into 4-H and farming and all the things they can comprehend. Not my boys. My kids didn't ever get to really meet my dad so they didn't have that. And my mom isn't too interested in them and can't ever look back on good time with grandma.

I remember sitting under the Willow Tree with my grandma- shelling peas. I loved it. She taught me to can. She taught me to play games and NEVER cheat playing any games. My grandma hated cheaters! When I would win she would tell me how smart I was. I always wondered if she let me win. She would always tell me I was pretty- even if I wasn't. She never made fun of my teeth or greasy hair. She would laugh at everything. She was always smiling. She was the best cook. She was outdoorsy and loved to fish with my grandpa. I always wondered if she loved it because he did and they were always together. My grandparents remind me of how Brett and I are. Instead of yelling "Clyde" I yell "Brett"- and instead of my grandpa saying "Oh Hell" Brett uses more colorful words :)

My grandma used to spend a week with us ALONE or with sisters or cousins if we chose. It was your choice. I always chose to have a sister or two come for the company. But if I wanted- I could have her all to myself. She would take you to Kmart at the end of the week and let you pick out something. She would fix you your favorites for "Supper" and read to you at night. She was a REAL grandma and you were sure you were her favorite. She made you feel safe and loved regardless of looks or who you were. I miss her SO much.

I wish my kids had that kind of love and safety in their lives with their grandparents. They have never had a weekend alone with my mom, she wouldn't have wanted to. I have always thought it was because they were boys- but I have seen her with my sisters and brothers sons. So I think my kids are too much like me for her tastes. Brett's mom has them come spend a few days...........which results in HILARIOUS stories! They dread it though and hate to be alone with her. When they were little they would call me crying to please come get them.

All of this has taught me a few important things.

I will be the BEST Grandma EVER. I will laugh with my grand kids, read with my grand kids, LOVE my grand kids. I will tell them they are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. I will make them each feel like they are my favorite. I will spend time with them and be happy for the chance to get to know them- I will make the most of that chance. I will SPOIL them rotten and fix them their favorite things. I will be just like my grandma was! I will even teach them to can if they want. I will cook with them and enjoy every moment of it. I will make my house a place they want to come.

Life is too sad sometimes to deal with.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

"Tonight I become a MAN!"

OK- so in our house we don't watch sports as we could all give a crap about them. We don't hike, or basically do anything outdoors much. We are not "Outdoor-sy!"

Instead we wait in long lines frequently. We are line squatters. We wait in line for everything! We LOVE to wait hours for movies. We love to wait hours for new gaming systems. I even waited in line for Pokemon cards for Brad back in the day. Once the boys and I stood in line for 5 hours for DONUTS! The day Krispy Kreme opened the 4 of us waited in line. Its fun, Taylor amuses us with impersonations and we all have a great time!

Well last night the torch was passed. Brad waited in line for 6 hours for a video game. He had the best time ever! He loved it. He came in 3rd in the Halo tournament, he would have been first except he accidentally blew himself up. He got all kinds of free nerd gear stuff from the store. This is how he put the experience- and these are Brads words mind you! I can't make this stuff up!

"All my life up until this point I have been a boy- TONIGHT I become a MAN!"

ummmmm I wondered silently how he was going to become a man with his video game? Ughhh I don't want to know!!!

While he was in line, Alex and Taylor were texting him for updates. They couldn't wait for him to get back and share his loot! Alex and Taylor watched the "Countdown to Halo 3" on G4. They even started squealing..............TEN! NINE! EIGHT! SEVEN! SIX! FIVE! FOUR! THREE! TWO! ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhh Taylor starts screaming!!!!!!! Ok, on New Years we are in bed before midnight, but wow a new game comes out and it's like they are on crack!!!!!!

Of course at midnight Brad had to play right away. I went to bed and when I got up he was passed out sideways on Alex's bed. Like it took all his strength to just get that far. I closed the door and went to work.

OK- so some may say what kind of parent am I? I let my kids miss school because they had "Halo-nitis." Well screw you I say! Someday my kids will look back on that and smile. These are the things in life kids remember. "My Mom let me miss school for Halo 3 when it came out!" Not, "My mom and I sat down and made macrame plant holders and bonded!"

Monday, September 24, 2007

ABBA Monday!

Thanks to Jeremy its an ABBA monday for me! So enjoy a few of my fav videos and the Muriels Wedding Mix! I love that movie.

My sisters will remember the ABBA Laser disk we had that we watched over and over again! Although watching them now I am quite saddened by all the FUR they wore then. Poor animals :(

This is one of my MOST favorite ABBA songs.....Chiquitita!

I couldnt resist the outfits and dancing in this one! Plus their lip synching is AWFUL!

And of COURSE my dad's all time Favorite ABBA song! Heres to you dad! Money Money! I am sure all my sisters can remember our lousy creepy uncles pausing it on their teeth to analyze them. They are dentists, but I just think they are PERVS!

AND last but not least........the best DANCING ABBA SONG OF ALL TIME!!!!!! VOULEZ VOUS- Ah ha.......ah ha!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Favorite YouTube videos of the day!!!!

So, on this slow Tuesday evening I have been entertaining myself with YouTube tonight.

Here are my favorite things I have stumbled on this evening. ENJOY!!!!!!!

Monday, September 17, 2007

Moon over my Melons!

Melon Days!

Ok first of all.........I am disappointed this year. Melon days lacked THREE crucial and key success factors this year.

1. Mullets- there was a real lack of mullets this year. I saw quite a few femmulletts, could it be the femmullett is taking over?

2. Fat Miss Melon Queen. There was NONE! I don't know if they imported these girls in or what, but they were NOT up to the Miss Melon title of previous years.

3. FUNNEL CAKES! I cant express my anger over lack of funnel cakes. I was so mad I wanted to deep fry someone. GRRRRRRRRRRR.

I slept most the way there since we woke up at 6:00 AM!!! But it was nice because it was cool, as soon as the sun came up I woke up hot a miserable. For some reason it was quite HUMID this year. I don't like feeling all "Sticky."

I call this next compilation of pictures "Miss Melon Past and Present". One picture is Bretts mom, a former Miss Melon one is the current Miss Melon. Hmmmmm you decide which is which :)

Everyone can be in the parade at Melon Days! EVERYONE, even if you just drive your golf cart with flags on it you can enjoy the parade and feel like a real celebrity!

However: WARNING parades of this kind of caliber, this kind of EXCITEMENT aren't easy for the faint of heart. They do come with dangerous repercussions! FLYING CANDY!!!!!! Candy is thrown from everything in the parade! Its coming at you from every angle. Brett unfortunately was wounded by a candy that hit him right in the forehead. Not a soft candy but a stale NOW AND LATER!!!! Ouch!!!!! If you look to the right of the candy you will see the imprint.

The rewards of such an event are ENDLESS! Brad got to fulfill many wishes, like eating the poor Subway man alive. Isn't Brads mouth open a little too wide?

And then at the end of the day as we were relaxing at Bretts Grandmas house Brad alerted us to an "exciting" event taking place outside. The rare mating ritual of the Squirrel/Bunny lawn ornaments. Ohhhhh isn't it precious! As Jeremy says "Now that's what I call a sticky situation!"

Friday, September 14, 2007

How AMAZING is my child!!!!!!!!

I am SO proud! I am just bursting! You know a lot of parents are proud of their kids for a number of things.......ME, I am proud of mine because of his AMAZING sense of humor.

Taylor was assigned a project for English. He had to write a paper on one of his ancestors. Now, most kids think of Grandparents, Great Grandparents and so on. For example:

"My Grandpa came across the plains with the pioneers!" Etc etc............BORING BORING!

Not Taylor! Taylor is a genius! He wrote the most hysterical 2 page rendition of his mom. A story about ME!!!!!! I am bursting with pride! What did he write about you ask? Well..........THE CABBAGE PATCH DOLL of course!!!!! Its was HYSTERICAL! Better than even my version! Wow, I mean really. I am sure the kids in the class were all captivated by his words, his style, his charisma!!!!

I asked him if his teacher was old or young. He told me she is REALLY old. hmmmmm I wonder how horrified she was?

I am expecting a visit from Social Services anytime now ;)

For those of you not familiar with this story CLICK HERE

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh Fall!

Today REALLY feels like Fall! I am LOVING it! I can smell Fall in the air, and in my opinion there is NO better season!

I love the nip in the air. The crunch of the leaves. The pumpkins!!! I go crazy over seeing Pumpkins, I think they are the best looking thing about Fall! I almost wore a sweater today!!! Glad I didn't but I thought about it!

SOUP! Its that time of the year that you can make soup and cozy up with it. It doesn't taste as good in the Summer. Soup is a Fall/Winter food. I love it!!!!! I think I will kick off Fall this week with a pot of my Harvest Lentils I got at Caputos! They are all the colors of Fall and SO cute. Plus I love Lentils. I wonder........does EVERYONE love Lentils or is that a strange thing to a lot of people? Kinda like Split Pea, in my opinion its DELICIOUS however a lot of people won't even give it a chance. No one wants to give the split pea the respect it deserves!!! I wonder if the lentil has that same issue? Is it sad because its not as popular a legume as a Pinto Bean?

I made Salsa like Dorise! Mine doesn't taste the same however it is good. I think I got too carried away with the peppers as the after burn is quite strong. Its good though and the kids really like it. I may make some more if there is time left this year.

MELON DAYS!!!!!!!!!! Ok People.............enough with the jealousy! I know you are all jealous that I am going to "Melon Days" in Green River on Saturday. CALM YOURSELVES! NO, NO I will not bring you all. If you want the EXCITEMENT and ACTION PACKED adventure that Melon Days provides then go yourself!!!!! If you want the scenic BEAUTY of the lush, green and beautiful city of Green River then you can go to!!

Melon Days is absolutely the most corny and pathetic Summer tradition there is in the whole state of Utah! I mean, REALLY it is pathetic! There is however all you can eat FREE MELON of all kinds and of course my favorite FUNNEL CAKES! I eat so much my ass will need a NEW zip code...........not just its own, but ANOTHER zip code on top of its own! Its going to be a TWO zip code butt!

They have a parade..........basically anyone in town that wants to drives down the street. ANYONE, even old people and their Rascals. Then there is the STUNNING "Miss Melon Days" being TOWED behind a tractor. Apparently is the person who most resembles a melon. Last years "Miss Melon Days" had a three zip code booty. I kid you not.

Then NOT TO BE MISSED is the "Town Dance"!!!!!!! This takes place at the park and its quite the HO-Down!!! And by HO I mean all the teenage girls and meth addicts in the town- Brett's cousins are quite PRETTY ;) Those cute Mullet Headed toothless inmates! I cant wait for them to rob see them!

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh its GLORIOUS!!!!! Maybe I will post pictures next week!!!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Stupid 3 day weekends!

WHY is it that every time you get a 3 day weekend and get all excited something comes along and ruins it???

All my kids were sick over the weekend! They start school and they get sick! So we just stayed home for the most part and listened to everyone cough.

I did see some movies however! OF COURSE!

Halloween- Ok despite the bad reviews you know what..........I really liked it. It was just like the old school horror movies. Not graphic gore in anyway. Really just your same plot as all the 80s movies were. Guy tries to kill stupid girl, stupid girl runs, stupid girl trips or sprains ankle, stupid girl gets killed. I mostly liked the insight on Michael Myers as a child. I enjoyed it, I did!

BALLS OF FURY!!!!!!!!! I loved this one, it was hilarious! I think it was not by any means the best of the "Obscure" sports movies, but it was worth seeing. I laughed and laughed and how can you NOT love something with Christopher Walken in it! He was GREAT. A lot of funny lines and moments. Thoroughly entertaining in my opinion!

Ok.............this was NOT my choice so no laughing.............Mr Beans Holiday! I went with Taylor and my nephew. Ok.........I hate to admit it but I liked it. It was funny and I did laugh and enjoy it. So there........laugh away people! YES, I liked Mr. Beans Holiday! EVERYONE have a good laugh at Jen!! HA HA!

Tomatoes, I did get a lot of tomatoes bottled. However NO WHERE NEAR what I need to do. I guess I will have to have a do over on that job. I really let myself down in the tomato department. The ones I did do I did with Roasted Garlic and Sweet Onion. They look really good and I hope I get a chance to do more.


Dorise made salsa this weekend! She brought some in to try and I SWEAR I am going to eat it all. I have tried everything to restrain myself and I give up! I am going for it. Its SOOOOO good. I got her recipe and I am going to try to make some too. I bet it doesn't turn out as well as hers since I did have to ask her what an Anaheim Pepper was!! :) ITS REALLY REALLY GOOD! Thanks Dorise!

Thursday, August 30, 2007


Ok............So I am "Special." And not like Special K either, Special like the kid down the street! I thought today was Friday. I REALLY DID. Desiree has just burst by bubble and now I must wallow in the fact that today is NOT Friday. It sure felt like Friday there for a bit!


THREE day weekend coming!!!!!!


! I can feel it coming, a THREE day weekend! I am so excited. However, I am torn in what fun things to do. Hmmmmmm choices choices.

I want to go with Jeremy to Caputos maybe? That sounds fun. However, Brett has shown a "jealous" streak and is jealous that I spend so much time with him! I think its cute! I mean come on, I spend all day everyday with Brett! But still its cute that he feels neglected and is jealous! But still, Jeremy is getting his Le Creuset this weekend and I am SO going with him!! I just want to hold it and covet it. Maybe I will kick you out of the car Jeremy and STEAL you pan!!! HA HA HA!!!!!!! You know that evil look I get in my eyes? You know the one...........well I have that look right now! SO WATCH OUT!

TOMATOES, ughhhhhhh I dread it so much. But I have to do it! If I don't bottle tomatoes I will regret it all year! ALL YEAR! That's a lot of regret! Its such a pain though, but I will do it. This weekend at some point I HAVE to get started before Tomato season is over. I am going to do Roasted Garlic and Sweet Onion tomatoes, maybe some with basil too. Hmmmm the choices are endless. Sticky Stinky mess, but it will be nice all year.

MOVIES!!!!!!! Ohhhh what to see what to see. The only FOR SURE one I know I am seeing this weekend is Halloween. Rob Zombie! Come on, you have see it. I think I will go see that with Brad this weekend, maybe Brett will want to come since "He never gets to spend time with me!!!" He hates horror movies though. He cringes at fake blood. Its kinda funny.
Then there is Balls of Fury, I am anxious to see that too. Hmmmmmm choices choices.

This is always what happens. You anticipate this GREAT 3 day weekend, then you blink and its OVER. Just like that. No more fun times and back to work you go.

Just an update for those interested......maybe none of you. Still sick......if I didn't know better I would say I am preggers for sure. So nauseous still. BLaghhhhh. But its just nerves I am sure. Who knows.........I may need a "Vacation" in a padded room soon. :) I guess it could be worse, I could be pregnant!!!!!! Ha ha! All of you who know me know how much a "love" babies!! HA HA HA! Ohhhh that's so funny. THANK GOODNESS that is not possible anymore. Otherwise I would have 17 kids by now. YUK!

Enough Rambling!!!!!!!!!!! JEN

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Holy Pervert Batman!

Wow! So something that has NEVER EVER Happened to me happened yesterday. I took the bus home from work. Got off and was walking home. I see a man in the bushes with active "Hand Movement" going on. His back was to me and I thought "What in the world is he doing?" I keep walking and for a moment have that fear that I should run. I didn't listen, just kept walking. Then he turns......he was masturbating in the bushes and full on flashes me! Then he got in his car, pants STILL wide open. Keeps on with his business grinning and drives away. I am STUNNED. Speechless! But I saw his plate, and having a photographic memory "Click" its in my head now! I can't believe it, I was FLASHED!!!!!!! Ewwwwwwwwww its burned in my head now!

So I call the police and give a statement. I wonder if they will even do anything? Scary thing is is was right by a school. What a pervert. What in the world is wrong with men? I mean really- what is so wrong in their heads that this sounded like a good idea? GROSS, that's an image I wont get out of my head anytime soon. Watch out for the mystery perv.......he is on the loose in Orem!!!!! He drives a white four door sedan and I have the plates if you want them. He was even wearing a dress shirt and tye, he looked like a teacher or something!

Other than that........I am sick. I am SO sick. I so wanted to stay home today, but Melissa took another day off so here I am. I don't think its the flu. I think its nerves. I think I am going to have a nervous breakdown or something due to the person in my life (and all of my friends and family know who this is) making my life more miserable than he already has. I dont see how this is possible but he always manages to find a way. I swear one more thing and I am going to SNAP! I cant take one more thing, or one more pervert that matter. I feel like I am cracking up over here!!!! And I cant even eat! MY FAVORITE THING!!!!!!!! :(

Sad Sad Sad Jen

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

No Kitty thats a BAD KITTY!

OUCH! My hand sure hurts today still. Making me feel so yukky today. Putting my wrist on my wrist rest to type is a killer. I think its better today but we will see. People keep sharing cat bite horror stories so now I am paranoid!

So now I am terrified of her. Last night I swear she was licking her chops in anticipation of EATING ME ALIVE!!!!!! So to punish her I have decided to take her to the vet soon and have them knock her out and GROOM her! I am to scared to brush her for fear she will attack me. If she wasn't so cute I would get a more loving cat. But, one look in those kitten eyes and you SWOON with love.

So- Brad asked a girl to homecoming today. We tried to come up with something clever but we aren't to creative. So we got her a couple dozen roses and put his name on a tiny paper and slipped it between the petals and said:
"Roses are red- Violets are Blue. May I have the pleasure of dancing with you?" Kinda corny I know. Hopefully she likes it and says yes. This is the girl he wanted to ask to Prom last year but she got asked by someone else before he did it.

So thinking of calling it a day soon. I don't think I feel up to being here today. The kitty venom is pulsing through my veins and I think I will become a vampire at any moment!

Peace Out my friends!!!!!!!!!! Jen

Monday, August 27, 2007

Blahhhhhh just one of those days :(

Today sucks! I hate the fact that its a Monday and truly and utterly I feel like CRAP today. Getting through today will be tough to say the least!

I was taunting my cat yesterday. I love to tease her and I was "Cat Fishing" with her. I throw a shoelace and slowly lure her in and grab her! Its great fun! Well I was done, just sitting there minding my own business and out of the corner of my eye I see Kitty Flying towards me. I put my hand up and she CHOMPS down on my wrist. I had to shake her to get her loose. It REALLY hurt. Well today I feel really blahhh and my wrist is bright red and hot. I think she injected her venom in me and I will soon be a vampire or something. Ouch!

I met my sisters most recent boyfriend this weekend. HATED him. I spared no words in telling her so. I really REALLY hated him. However I made the best batch of Pasta Primavera this weekend. Yum, it was so good. However I left out my FAVORITE part and I cant believe I did that! I forgot the PEAS!!!!! THE PEAS!!!!!! I didn't realize that until that night. I think I will have a redo and add the Peas.

Jeremy and I went on "Jens Bread Hunt" on Saturday. I was sure the "European Bakery" would have baguettes. Right? I mean doesn't that make sense. NO! NO! European bakery my ass! It was an Argentine bakery and they didn't even have bread. I was MAD and wanted to tell the clerk this. However Jeremy is an Angel and even bought some crap from her. I refused to even taste it. So then I get this "Brilliant" idea to go to Shirley's and get one. They should have a fresh one right? WRONG AGAIN!!!!!!! By now I was mad. So I went to Smiths and just got a La Brea one. Now if I had a brain I would have just listened to Jeremy and got one on our first stop at Harmon's. No...........Jen is not bright enough for this! Oh well it did end our Journey at the Liquor store where I got some Chardonnay for my Pasta and some Vodka. Which is going to be used in Penne Vodka........maybe tonight if I am up to it. I may go home take some Advil and curl up in bed since I feel like HELL!

I saw the Nanny Diaries this weekend. I really enjoyed it. The book of course was SO much better. But the movie was pretty good! The mother of the son she is the nanny of is a HUGE bitch in the book. I think they "niced" her up a bit too much in the movie. But it was really enjoyable for me. I also watched "Zodiac" this weekend. I really liked that one as well. Very interesting.

Take Care all...........hope you feel better than I do today :(

Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Yum! Ok so tonight I made something that SO hit the spot. Tortellini with Browned Butter and Balsamic! It was SO good I had to share. I mean it, SO good- Brett even LOVED it! :)

So I bought premade frozen tortellini's (yes, they were even Western Family for shock!). Browned some butter and then poured that over the cooked Tortellinis, then I added a HEFTY dose of Balsamic and tossed. Top with Parm and YUM, seriously it was that good! Took all of 8-10 minutes to make too so that's another plus. So light with no sauce and the bite from the balsamic with the richness of the butter......ummmmm Yummy!

Just had to share! :)

Monday, August 20, 2007

Best Weekend EVER!!!

WOW! I mean seriously my weekend was the best weekend ever! EVER!

Not only was it a three day weekend, but I got to do so many fun things!

First of all on Saturday Dorise, Desiree, Jeremy and I went to SLC to go to Caputos and have some lunch. We first wandered the Farmers Market there, which I had never been to. I got the BEST dried Cherries! They are SO perfect for my pie I plan to make for Thanksgiving. I hope I got enough. They are really tart and soft, once I cook them with my Kirsh and frozen cherries, its going to be perfect. I will make a "trial" pie soon.
Then we had lunch, I had the Hummus Sandwich and the Lentil soup. YUMMO, it was great and I have been craving it since. I think I will try to recreate that sandwich with the Herb Foccia and I will need to get some new Tahini as mine is old and a little to "pasty." I think I will make that this weekend or during the week for a tasty work snack.
At Caputos I got some new Olive Oil, I went with the unfiltered and its so fruity and good! I also got some random things, Lentils, Farro, Parm, Tomato Paste, Sundried Tomato's and OF COURSE my favorite Chocolates! I have actually shown restraint and only had one since we went. I am going to make them last longer this time.
We REALLY had a fun day!

SUPERBAD!!!!!!!!! I went and saw this with Brad, Brett, Lissy and Jeremy. HOLY COW I thought I would die I was laughing so hard. People have said better than "Knocked Up" but I don't think I agree with that. I would say EQUAL to Knocked Up however very different. Superbad was just non stop laughs- SO SO SO good. I loved every minute of it. It was great and SO fun.

ECLIPSE!!!!!!! Oh my lord, that was the best book EVER. Stephenie Meyer- WOW is all I have to say. Rarely does a book pull me in like that one did. A book where you never want it to end, you are transported as if you are right there. As if you are Bella and experiencing everything with her. I never wanted to leave, I wanted to be Bella. I don't think I will survive until Book 4. I really think I will nerd it up next year and take the day off to read it that day, I cant wait.
However, I am a little disappointed that it will be from Edwards POV since I want the book to CONTINUE- not start at the beginning. I want to see what will happen. I am going to have some real issues if I don't get "Closure" on this series. I dont want to ruin anything so come talk to me if you have read it, I am anxious to discuss it with you!!

If you haven't read these books and have been on another planet or something, YOU HAVE TO READ THEM. You wont be disappointed, they are fantastic! Here is a link to her site- however her site is not THAT great but there the first chapter in Midnight Sun there!!!


Friday, August 17, 2007

Hmmmm, its about that time of the year! TARTS ON THE BRAIN!

Well last night I had my first sign that Thanksgiving is around the corner. I awoke to an epiphany on Thanksgiving! Now, those that know me know about my HORRIBLE insomnia. Well about this time of year I start thinking about Thanksgiving and what to make, this worsens the insomnia. I can cook an entire Thanksgiving dinner in my head when I SHOULD be sleeping!

Well, last night my first idea struck me! Rather than having whole pies, why don't I make miniature pies and make them more like a tart! I could do a whole array of different tarts! Well it went on and on from there. I even thought about a raspberry Tart and giving the Raspberry's a brulee. Well, then this got me thinking on getting an industrial Torch. Then I thought about Tart pans.........well you know. The crazy Jen train pulled out of the station about 4:00am last night! First trip of many to come I am sure!

Thanksgiving is my MOST favorite Holiday of all Holidays! So I am starting to get excited that it is around the corner (3 months is TOO around the corner!)

On another note......guess what I have this weekend? THREE DAY WEEKEND!! Oh it will be so sweet! Since Melissa started Jeremy and I can finally get a break from time to time. Its such a relief as we have gone all these months without one. I plan to get the kids ready just in time to start School on Tuesday! I am so terrible, they are not ready at all! And if I don't get busy and get them some clothes and shoes it will be an embarrassing day for them.

I always hated the first day of school. I never slept the night before, I was SO sick the morning of. I usually started school with a good vomiting before it began. I was so nervous. I feel bad for my kids because I feel their pain! Brad only has like 2 classes on campus this year so he will be fine. Taylor however is starting JUNIOR HIGH! This does not seem possible! It cant really be happening can it? It cant! I don't know if I am ready for this. He was bullied so badly in Elementary School he got staples in his head, I hope Jr High is better for him. Alex starts HIGH SCHOOL this year! Wow, I remember thinking about the day when this would happen 15 years ago, and here it is! Time sure flies.

On this GREAT weekend- I am going to see SUPERBAD!!!! I can;t wait! I have been so excited to see it since I saw the preview! It will be great I am sure.

Also plan to see Becoming Jane, as I do love me some good "Corset Movies" as my sister and I call them.

Have a great weekend everyone!!!!!! Jen

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Ode To Andy :)

I saw Hot Rod last night!! I have to tell you, Andy Samberg is a genius! TRULY he is this generations Adam Sandler or Will Ferrell.

He is amazing and if you don't know who he is you should be!!! Every facial expression in the movie could send me into hysterics. He does a "Footloose" bit in the movie that had me laughing so hard I thought I would have a seizure from lack of oxygen.

Sissy Spacek played his mother and as usual she is and always will be AMAZING! I love her!

People, keep in mind that if you don't find movies like Waterboy, or Night at the Roxbury funny, then this is not the movie from you. For me, this HIT THE SPOT!!!

Get to know Andy if you don't already! for all Andy! Don't forget to see his GENIUS digital Shorts from Saturday Night Live while you are there.

I love you ANDY!! I truly do and if I could go to my quiet place to "Punch Dance" I would do it in honor if you! :)

Friday, August 10, 2007

Friday and the MUNCHIES!

Jen of the day:

HAPPY!!!! ITS FRIDAY!!!!!!!!! FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ohhhhh how sweet is it! It's Friday people!!!!! FRIDAY! Best day of the week! Why you ask? Because its like Christmas Eve- you know that tomorrow you get to sleep in!! SLEEP IN!! I love it. Plus I stay up SO late because I know that tomorrow I get to sleep in!

Today I have really had the Munchies! And NO Jeremy, not because I was smoking Pot! :) I think its just because I feel so good today! Because A. Its Friday! B. Justice was served C. New girl starting and D. I get to sleep in!!! So, we have been feasting all day on Raspberry Rolls and Chips and Salsa. I am SO in love with those Blue Corn chips. They are SO good, really really they are.


Everyone should thank Desiree for getting up at 5:00 to come in early today to cover shifts for missing people! She is the BEST! That's why I brought the chips, she loves them too! I don't know how she does it, but she gets up early and comes in and is so cheerful ALL the time! We adore our Desiree! She is like the Prom Queen of our bunch. In fact, I bet you WERE the Prom queen once weren't you D?

Today was Melissa's first day with us!! I hope we were tame enough for her today that we didn't scare her off. I promise Melissa, if Jeremy gets out of hand I will put him back in his cage! I really like her, I think she will "mesh" well with all of us. Plus, Nate said she is really smart and did really well. I hope we have FINALLY broken the curse of the cubicle! Like D says "There can't be two Siones in the world............can there?" Ohhhhh lets all hope there aren't.

Plans for the weekend you ask? Why YES of course! My plans consist of SLEEPING in of course. Heaven help the person that wakes me on a Saturday. Its so great having teenagers, I feel like I am in the early bird on Saturdays when they are still out cold at 2:00 in the afternoon!

Also, I plan to see HOT ROD! Brad saw it and said it was FANTASTIC! He said he laughed so hard he cried. That's the movie for me then! Maybe after that I will sneak into Stardust.........I KNOW I KNOW!! Its going to be lame, but I love Robert De Niro so much that I have to support anything he is in. Its my duty!

Also, plan to get up to Medium on Guitar Hero- I tried a song last night and was just LOUSY! So I am going to stick with one song until I can do it on Medium. I cant figure out how Brad can tear it up so much on that game. Its amazing to watch. He says its because I have no rhythm, he is probably right!


Monday, August 6, 2007

"Looks Like someones got a case of the Mun-days"

Jen of the day..............


don't have a sleepy Jen character......Hint Hint Jeremy :)

So the weekends over, which is sad. But it was a GLORIOUS weekend. I slept in and napped and slept in again and napped. Then I saw lots of movies. Office Space was one of course! LOVE IT. Always will.
Time for Jens Movie Reviews!!! I feel like there should be some theme song there.

Simpsons! FANTASTIC! I loved it. It was everything I hoped for and more. I was NOT disappointed by all the hype. I felt it lived up to it. Although.......I swear Brett (Husband) is Homer. My kids were dying and kept saying over and over again "That's Dad!" He is so like him. It was GREAT, I really loved it. Not to short and not too long either. GREAT! TWO fingers up- and not the bad fingers either ;)

Bourne Ultimatum! WOW, WOW is all I can say. Action Packed, LOVED it all. It was the best Bourne of all in my opinion. GREAT GREAT movie. However, if you are foolish enough to have never seen the 1st or 2nd like some idiots in the theatre, you wont understand a lot of it. I loved it. I wonder if they will make another? If Matt Damon says no I hope he changes his mind because I am not ready for them to end. LOVED IT! TWO FINGERS UP!!!! WAYYYY UP!

Then I read a book this weekend. Salem Falls........ummmm it was so so. Not great, but not awful. But not great.

So today I got up at............get ready for it. 6:00AM!!! I know, I know. I DO NOT get up at that time. But I had to be in Salt Lake at 7:00. Ughhhh it was a battle of wills to get out of bed! I wanted to just stay under my cozy covers and stay forever. But I did it, I got up! So this is my Salute to all you people that are able to get up at that time each day! You are AMAZING and I SALUTE you!

To all my morning people- I SALUTE you for getting here at 7:00am each day! I am so proud I could pop!

Then there are the unsung hero's:

Garbage Men
I saw some sidewalk cleaners downtown today
Milk Men (although mine doesn't count since he comes in the night about 1:00am so that doesn't count!)
Ummm, well as you can see I am not up that early to know who else is- but to all of you who are- GOOD FOR YOU! SUPER DUPER. I will admire you from my cozy bed until 9:00 am when my alarm goes off! :)


Thursday, August 2, 2007

Revenge is best served? Hanging?


Jen of the day today is:

Vindictive Jen

Today I am feeling a bit "Vindictive" as Jeremy calls me. So, here is your question of the day folks!!

What is the funniest thing you have ever done to get even with someone?

I would always have to go back to my fondest childhood memory of torturing my younger sister Melissa. Ahhhhhhhhh memories!
Picture it, Melissa is about 4 years old, which would make me about 11-12. Its just after Christmas and her Santa present was a new Cabbage Patch Doll with the "Corn Silk" hair. She loved it. However, my sister Jaime and I were quite annoyed with her on EVERY given day. So this day we formulated a GLORIOUS plan. By we I mean ME of course, Jaime was my little henchman in my evil plans. Today would be one we would all never forget!!
First part of the plan entailed making new eyes for the doll- they consisted of paper circles with a X in them. Then, for the tongue! We made a little pink tongue and taped it on the dolls mouth. It appeared it was dead with its tongue sticking out! Then for the cherry on it all...........a ROPE! We took our time and hung the doll from the light in my bedroom by its neck. Then time to execute the plan.

"Oh Lissy, come here we have something fun to show you! Come play with us!!!" Of course worshipping us as she did she came running. We could hear her running down the hall. We then gave the doll a little swing. Melissa came in to her new doll hanging from our ceiling!! Jaime and I couldn't stop laughing! It was hysterical! Melissa SCREAMED and ran to my dad. Of course then we heard the dreaded words.........."JENNIFER!!!!!! GET UP HERE!" then I knew I would be in trouble. Was it worth it? Ohhhhhhh yahhhhhhhhh.

FYI- She does look back on this and laugh now! Our torture made her the woman she is today! That's OK Lissy, no need to thank me! Really, the joy on your face was thanks enough!

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

The Three Faces Of Jen!

Ha! Guess what? Jeremy finished the "Three Faces Of Jen" today! I had to share with everyone since they are so CHARMING!!! I LOVE it! Thank You Jeremy! Just for that I am taking you to Casa Bonita!

We have Happy Jen, Vindictive Jen, and Angry Jen! I have to say that Vindictive is my favorite! I love it. Aren't they GREAT!!! Yes they are!

So, we also have all of Customer Service! He made all of us! LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!

We have Jake, Dorise, Peter, Jen then

Corinne, Jeremy, Desiree and Brent

These are not drawn people! Every piece has been cut out and glued on! Aren't you amazed.

I think I am going to find Trey Parkers email and send them to him. I think he would be impressed too. They are freaking fantastic!!!!

So other than that, slow day. Sure makes time Crawl!!

Peace my Peeps!


Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Liquid Nitrogen ROCKS!

So, today has been a fun day! I got to go to the Dr again for a biopsy on my arm. OK so most people would think "What the hell- NOT fun!" WRONG! I love love love my Dr. He is the best and understands me SO well.

After he did the biopsy he got the liquid nitrogen to burn the melanoma or whatever off my arm. Most Dr's would just do it and be gone with you. NOT my Dr. HE LET ME DO IT MYSELF!! It was so fun! You dip a Q-Tip in the liquid nitrogen, then touch the area you are "burning." The Dr said it would sting and burn but I didn't feel a thing. Then you let it thaw, and then I did it two more times. I hope that was enough because its not blistering as much as I thought it would. [UPDATE - Ok its one big huge blister now! I LOVE IT! I am going to sick Jeremy out and show him] I asked what would happen if I put my finger in, he said NO- grabbed the cup and THREW the nitrogen in the air! IT WAS MAGICAL!!! It disappeared and the room was all foggy! Better than Halloween for me, and thats saying a lot since I love Halloween! Speaking of which - Jeremy lets dress up in something fitting this year together! Lets think on that.

Then, being the coolest Dr in the world, we played with the rest of the liquid nitrogen in the cup! We froze and shattered all sorts of things around his office. I wish I was Dr. It would be so fun. I think that would be a great job.

He really understands me, he is a bit crazy himself and openly admits it to me. Says it just part of your life and you learn to cope. Hes great. So that was fun today.

Then Jeremy the South Park MASTER, finished everyones South Park characters he is making for everyone. Honestly they are a real work of art. They are not based on any real South Park characters, he just creates them using only card stock- all free hand. Its AMAZING! He is SO talented and everyone loves them. Well, they better all love them!!! So Jeremy told me he is going to make THREE Jens!! Angry, Devious and Happy! I will change it according to my mood of the day. :) Thank You Jeremy!!!!! "You know I love you more than my luggage!"

Brett brought me Peanut M&M's today since I have been "jonesing" for them. So that was another good thing today.

Desiree is back today which is FANTASTIC! We were so lost when she was gone. Plus, all hell broke loose here yesterday so it was a CRAZY CRAZY day. However, being a nut I love days like that. BAM you look at the clock and 4 hours has gone by!! Its great! Sorry guys I hope that didn't jinx us.

However, one thing has me irritated today. THE CLEANING LADY!!!!!!!!! She is making me crazy here at the office when she moves my trash can!! Doesn't she know I like my garbage can in a certain place? Hasn't she noticed that I never move it anywhere else? I hate it when I reach out to throw something away and straight to the floor it goes. Then I have to play "Find the Can!" with her. It makes me nuts. Maybe I should super glue it to the floor..........that would show her! But then I would never get my trash emptied and that might be frowned upon. Hmmmmm, maybe I will make her cookies and leave a note "Please don't EVER move my can!"

This is it!

Ok, so this is just going to be my general rant and rave place!!! Think of it as an online journal.

Coworkers, Friends, beware- I have a tendency to give TMI too often. So I hope I don't offend any of you with my brazen comments someday. :) But you know me!!!