Ok first of all.........I am disappointed this year. Melon days lacked THREE crucial and key success factors this year.
1. Mullets- there was a real lack of mullets this year. I saw quite a few femmulletts, could it be the femmullett is taking over?
2. Fat Miss Melon Queen. There was NONE! I don't know if they imported these girls in or what, but they were NOT up to the Miss Melon title of previous years.
3. FUNNEL CAKES! I cant express my anger over lack of funnel cakes. I was so mad I wanted to deep fry someone. GRRRRRRRRRRR.
I slept most the way there since we woke up at 6:00 AM!!! But it was nice because it was cool, as soon as the sun came up I woke up hot a miserable. For some reason it was quite HUMID this year. I don't like feeling all "Sticky."
I call this next compilation of pictures "Miss Melon Past and Present". One picture is Bretts mom, a former Miss Melon one is the current Miss Melon. Hmmmmm you decide which is which :)
Everyone can be in the parade at Melon Days! EVERYONE, even if you just drive your golf cart with flags on it you can enjoy the parade and feel like a real celebrity!
However: WARNING parades of this kind of caliber, this kind of EXCITEMENT aren't easy for the faint of heart. They do come with dangerous repercussions! FLYING CANDY!!!!!! Candy is thrown from everything in the parade! Its coming at you from every angle. Brett unfortunately was wounded by a candy that hit him right in the forehead. Not a soft candy but a stale NOW AND LATER!!!! Ouch!!!!! If you look to the right of the candy you will see the imprint.
The rewards of such an event are ENDLESS! Brad got to fulfill many wishes, like eating the poor Subway man alive. Isn't Brads mouth open a little too wide?
And then at the end of the day as we were relaxing at Bretts Grandmas house Brad alerted us to an "exciting" event taking place outside. The rare mating ritual of the Squirrel/Bunny lawn ornaments. Ohhhhh isn't it precious! As Jeremy says "Now that's what I call a sticky situation!"
1 comment:
That's a big melon!
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