Friday, August 17, 2007

Hmmmm, its about that time of the year! TARTS ON THE BRAIN!

Well last night I had my first sign that Thanksgiving is around the corner. I awoke to an epiphany on Thanksgiving! Now, those that know me know about my HORRIBLE insomnia. Well about this time of year I start thinking about Thanksgiving and what to make, this worsens the insomnia. I can cook an entire Thanksgiving dinner in my head when I SHOULD be sleeping!

Well, last night my first idea struck me! Rather than having whole pies, why don't I make miniature pies and make them more like a tart! I could do a whole array of different tarts! Well it went on and on from there. I even thought about a raspberry Tart and giving the Raspberry's a brulee. Well, then this got me thinking on getting an industrial Torch. Then I thought about Tart pans.........well you know. The crazy Jen train pulled out of the station about 4:00am last night! First trip of many to come I am sure!

Thanksgiving is my MOST favorite Holiday of all Holidays! So I am starting to get excited that it is around the corner (3 months is TOO around the corner!)

On another note......guess what I have this weekend? THREE DAY WEEKEND!! Oh it will be so sweet! Since Melissa started Jeremy and I can finally get a break from time to time. Its such a relief as we have gone all these months without one. I plan to get the kids ready just in time to start School on Tuesday! I am so terrible, they are not ready at all! And if I don't get busy and get them some clothes and shoes it will be an embarrassing day for them.

I always hated the first day of school. I never slept the night before, I was SO sick the morning of. I usually started school with a good vomiting before it began. I was so nervous. I feel bad for my kids because I feel their pain! Brad only has like 2 classes on campus this year so he will be fine. Taylor however is starting JUNIOR HIGH! This does not seem possible! It cant really be happening can it? It cant! I don't know if I am ready for this. He was bullied so badly in Elementary School he got staples in his head, I hope Jr High is better for him. Alex starts HIGH SCHOOL this year! Wow, I remember thinking about the day when this would happen 15 years ago, and here it is! Time sure flies.

On this GREAT weekend- I am going to see SUPERBAD!!!! I can;t wait! I have been so excited to see it since I saw the preview! It will be great I am sure.

Also plan to see Becoming Jane, as I do love me some good "Corset Movies" as my sister and I call them.

Have a great weekend everyone!!!!!! Jen

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